- alien | r | juliet, ben
"This is the logical next step," Ben says, but you don't see anything logical about it.
- and these shadows keep on changing | r | shannon-centric
There are ways to commit suicide without actually dying.
- bereavement | pg | shannon, sawyer
What is it with the nicknames, anyway?
- discombobulation | r | shannon
She had tried.
- evanescent | nc-17 | sayid, shannon
She thinks, sometimes, usually when she's drunk, that her heart must be black and ugly, like a smoker's lungs.
- five times Shannon fired a gun | pg | shannon, boone, sayid
It's not like it mattered. Or anyone cared. Whatever.
- living is easier with your mouth closed | pg | shannon, boone, sayid
She's cold, she's scared, she's cranky, and she's wishing she had brought her eye mask.
- observation | pg | sayid, shannon
He watches her, because he can get away with it.
- phantasma | pg | sayid, shannon
It wasn't all a lie, was it?
- when she wakes up | pg | sayid, shannon
Alternate ending for Abandoned.
- you try to shut them out, but they just get louder instead | pg | sayid, shannon
Maybe she is a bad person, because she feels her pulse in her wrist and thinks this makes her better than Boone.