firefly/serenity | short fiction (9)
Small, unconnected pieces.
- and they all fall down | pg-13 | simon, river Just another day on Serenity, as far as she's concerned.
- disorientation | r | mal, river, inara "No," she laughed. "Everybody needs to clear it all out at least once a day."
- gravity | nc-17 | simon/river Friction, also. Friction's a terrible liar. Don't listen to anything he says
- implausible | g | simon, river Blue hands. Hands, Simon. A two-year-old could have translated that code.
- malpractice | nc-17 | simon, river In a way, she saved him.
- mangled | r | river, simon Years later, he comes up to you on the street. You don't recognize him until he mentions his name.
- stain your hands | nc-17 | kaylee, inara She wouldn't lie. Not to you.
- substitution reaction | nc-17 | mal/river They're all so vivid and real that when he wakes up, sometimes he reaches out to touch her.
- (this is how it stops) | r | river Bare feet, colder metal, floors colder than walls, irrational, confusing, why doesn't this feel like a cage?

firefly/serenity | drabbles
Drips and drabs, mostly Simon-centric.
- blind | pg | simon/river, river/mal He won't see, doesn't see.
- blue | pg-13 | simon Why not the stereotypical red?
- climate | g | simon, inara You would kill?
- desolate | g | simon, kaylee He put his foot in his mouth.
- grey | g | simon He doesn't open his eyes.
- moot | pg-13 | simon, river Too bad it was in vain.
- obligation | pg | simon, river He knows. She doesn't have to say it out loud.
- red | r | simon/inara Once upon a time, he could date girls like this.
- release | pg | simon, river His nose tickles, but he can't scratch it for some reason.
- scuffle | pg | simon, kaylee River would have been a better diversion.