csi : crime scene investigation
- aftertaste | nc-17 | sara, sofia
Everything here is bitter, as if every wrong that she's suffered is poured into her essence.
- broken | pg-13 | sara, grissom
She wasn't broken. Or maybe she was, she didn't know anymore.
- commitment | r | sara-centric
I hate it here. I don't need to be here.
- confessions of a beleaguered mind | r | sara, grissom
God, I sound like a Hallmark card.
- crazy | nc-17 | sara, grissom
Your eyes are brighter than I've ever seen them. You'll regret this.
- drown | nc-17 | sara, grissom
Dark liquid in a dirty glass.
- enticement | pg-13 | sara, grissom
She was hoping to be attacked; he was praying she wouldn't be.
- erasure | pg-13 | sara, grissom
Happiness, harmony, tranquility, and prosperity. She hadn't had any of those in her life in a while.
- exercise in choice | r | sara, grissom
Only one of these stories is true.
- fractional | pg | catherine, sara
You won't deny the resentment. More accurately, you can't deny the resentment.
- the ghosts in the halls | r | ensemble
Six times things could have gone differently and a life could have left this world.
- insomnia | pg | sara, grissom
You know you won't be able to sleep, but you try to anyway.
- necrosis | pg-13 | sara, grissom
He's killing her, so he tries to save her.
- repulsion | pg-13 | sara, grissom
Not everything is about you, Grissom.
- semantics | pg | grissom, sara, brass
Missing scenes from Blood Drops.
- shock | g | sara, greg, grissom
Nobody paid attention to her. Except him.
- uncomplicated | r | grissom, sofia
That was the word he had been looking for.