| f i c t i o n |
baby, baby / ain't it true / i'm immortal / when i'm with you / but i wanna pistol / in my hand / i wanna go to / a different land
Zero Escape (77) and the battle is won / and the planes keep winging / and i'm right on time / and the girl keeps singing

The West Wing (46) city people in the dark / speak to us, send us a sign / tell us something to keep us trying

Without a Trace (20) with the headlights burning / we're looking up for something / answers on the ceiling

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (17) come home / is my plea / your home now is / here with me

Firefly/Serenity (13) and i'm lighter than i've ever been / i saw the trees crossing the moon / i saw the stars and heaven above

Lost (11) you look me / in the eye directly / you met me / i think it's wednesday / the evening / the mess we're in

Law & Order: Criminal Intent (7) a rooftop, in manhattan / one in the morning / when you said something

Tales of Berseria (6) threw my bad fortune / off the top of / a tall building / but i'd rather have done it with you

The Inside (6) i'll make you lick my injuries / i'm gonna twist your head off, see / 'til you say don't you wish you never never met her

Desperate Housewives (6) i envy the wind / your hair riding over / i envy the pillow / your head rests and slumbers

Sherlock (BBC) (3) i'm watching from the wall / as in the streets we fight / this world all gone to war / all i need is you tonight

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel (3) and we walked without words / and we walked with our lives / two silent birds circled by

Mission: Impossible (TV) (2) how did we get here / to this point of living / i held my breath / and you said something

24 (2) my fingers sting / where i feel your fingers have been / ghostly fingers

Alias (2) don't look now it's coming round again / i saved your voice from the telephone / i play it back on the message machine

Babylon 5 (1) i see men come and go / but there'll be one who will collect my soul / and come to me

Bones (1) wave goodbye / their arms as bitter branches / spreading into the world

Memento (1) this house becomes a hell / this love becomes a tether / this room becomes a cell

House, M.D. (1) scratch my palms / there's blood on my hands

Star Trek Series (1) rode a horse around the world / along the tracks of a train / broke the record, found the gold

The X-Files (1) he walks his path / and I follow mine / one tooth for one eye / he's come to find me

Original Fiction he said laugh awhile, i can make your heart feel / he said fly with me, touch the face of the true god / and then cry with joy at the depth of my love
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Version 7.00 - long.snake.moan! All television shows, movies, and video games, and their characters/settings, are trademarked and © by their respective creators. No copyright infringement is intended. This site uses layouts "Identity" & "Elemental" & "Multiverse" from Pixelarity, with images from UnSplash and utilizes CSS, PHP, and JavaScript. It is hosted on DreamHost. Lyrics by PJ Harvey.